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Travel >> Single-Day Travel
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Parking Information All single-day tours will depart from Parking Lot 1D adjacent to the Automotive Technology building on the Saddleback College Campus. Participants are permitted to park only inside the designated area. Disabled parking available. Please note, participants who park outside of this designated area may be towed.
Click here or on the Location for each trip listed below to view this location on campus with a helpful diagram. Plan ahead with Saddleback College's interactive map, and explore this parking location prior to your arrival.

Participants will need to purchase a $5 parking pass for the day, and place it on the dashboard of their car. Parking permits can be purchased in Parking Lot 1 from the large, neon yellow dispenser in the first row. Participants should arrive at least 20 minutes prior to departure.

Single Day Travel Cancellation Policy Payments are due in full at the time of booking. There are no refunds for withdrawing/canceling reservations on a single-day tour. If you must cancel, we require you notify our office 30 days prior to the trip date, and a credit voucher for a future trip or activity will be placed on your account. You may send someone else to take your place on the trip. However, you cannot be replaced on tours that require identification checks. For trips that do not require identification checks, call our office at (949) 582-4646 to let us know so we can place the correct name on the trip roster.

Please click on the class title to see the full description.
Questions? Please provide us with the class title and ID number when
e-mailing or calling.


Class ID: 19285

Class Ages: 18 - 100

Start date: 02/15/25

End date: 02/15/25

Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM (2/15/2025-2/15/2025)

1 session

Class Fee: $139.00

Material Fee: $0.00

Location: Saddleback College Parking Lot 1D Location : 
  Saddleback College Parking Lot 1D.

Instructor : * Good Times Travel 

2 Seats Left

Class ID: 19286

Class Ages: 18 - 100

Start date: 03/08/25

End date: 03/08/25

Weekly - Sat 7:45 AM - 8:00 PM (3/8/2025-3/8/2025)

1 session

Class Fee: $129.00

Material Fee: $0.00

Location: Saddleback College Parking Lot 1D Location : 
  Saddleback College Parking Lot 1D.

Instructor : * Good Times Travel 

19 Seats Left